This Website


The website you’re on right now. A portfolio site designed like a search engine. As is typical with search engines, there's a search function. If you’d rather not use the search, there’s a menu icon in the upper right. And there’s no rule or anything that says you have to use the search. It’s completely your decision. A search engine was just the inspiration for this design. So naturally, one had to be included.

Paragraph Portfolio Site


A portfolio site designed like a paragraph. Made in various visual styles from 2017 to 2023. You won't find an About page though. That's what the Home page is for.



A clothing brand made to be worn by non-essential workers and sold to benefit essential workers. The first release featured a colorway to benefit pandemic relief workers called Pandemic Black. Please only wear while working from home. Seriously. Do not wear WORKFROMHOMEWEAR out and about. Not even on quick errands. Not even if it’s chilly out.

VCU Brandcenter Student Book


A portfolio site made at the end of VCU Brandcenter in 2018. Carmex. IcyHot. Side Project Generator. Are you eating dinner with your father? (name of the project, not a question). Calm Incense. Game of Hands. Mr. Walker. Thank You in Advance. MeUndies.

Bijan Mustardson: Brand Launch


Launching the gourmet dijon mustard of college football running back Bijan Robinson, under new NIL guidelines. Commercials. Packaging. Website. Social. The mustard leaked just days before launch when someone found it in a supermarket and posted on Twitter. Truth be told, there wasn’t really a playbook for building a gourmet football mustard brand. Which is ironic. Football itself has lots of playbooks. Good ones too.

Are You Eating Dinner With Your Father? 


Advice for eating dinner with your father. If you are not currently eating dinner with your father, feel free to take this advice anyway. It’s really advice for eating dinner with anyone. It also applies to breakfast and lunch too. Not even just meals, actually. It applies to not-meals too. Sure, the name of this project is very specific. But the advice itself is much more general. Honestly it’s the generalist.

Side Project Generator 


A side project to help generate ideas for side projects. Or not-side projects. Really anything idea-based, because ideas in general are often a unique rearrangement of two things. Or sometimes, more than 2 things. I bet there’s some ideas that are probably a combination of, like, 200 things. But they don’t make generators for those. Unless you count brains I guess.

Game of Hands 


An online game that measures NHL knowledge by asking if a randomly selected player shoots left or right handed. It’s extremely easy if you know the handedness of every NHL player off the top of your head. If you only know some, the game is harder. And if you don’t know the handedness of any NHL players at all, it’s basically a series of 50-50 guesses. And you know what they say about those. I can’t quite remember the quote, but I think it’s originally from Wayne Gretzky or Michael Scott or someone.