Petco: Hill's Adult 7+ Pet Food 


As pets get older, their nutritional needs change too. Just like humans. I mean, you don’t eat the same food your whole life. Well, you probably don’t. I’m sure some people do though. Oh man. Just now realizing that this ad is completely based on the assumption that the viewer doesn’t still eat baby food. Please don’t hold that against this ad. You know what they say about assuming.

Stupido Display 


The dumbest Apple Studio Display ever. Made with authentic Apple parts but not affiliated with Apple at all. I like to think Steve Jobs would’ve smiled at this. Right before issuing an aggressive cease and desist letter, and swiftly filing numerous injunctions against me personally, of course. That man did not play around. Or so I’ve heard. He’s never told me that personally.

Loading Instagram 


An Instagram profile that never loads. Unless you tap a loading highlight. Then it loads right away. Every time. Unless you don’t have any service. Then it really doesn’t load. This issue is currently being worked on.

Carl's Jr: Need Burger Get Burger 


When you need burger, get burger. Beef burger. Guac cheese Santa Fe burger sauce. Bacon burger cheese jalapeno pickles cheese burger cheese lettuce burger cheese Santa Fe burger sauce. Pepperjack. Guac cheese bacon burger cheese burger cheese guac cheese guac burger sauce burger. Burger. Burger guac cheese bacon.

Carl's Jr: Free Burger Day 


A Super Bowl spot announcing free burgers the next day at Carl's Jr. And once you hear about Free Burger Day, it’s on your mind. Which is maybe not the best when an enemy fighter jet is currently attacking you. Those stakes are life and death. A third stake would be free burger.

BeReal Hungry 


The hunger is real. And it’s important to be real on BeReal. It’s just a bonus if your face looks flattering from the angle you scan the restaurant QR code from. Bringing up the menu is the goal. Getting a nice photo of yourself while doing it is simply a nice to have.